The Race Signāls EM Trophy 4×4 MADONA 2018
This time, BURLAK went to the direction of Madona, to LĀCI of Liezeres parish, where the grand 4×4 adventure took place. The Signāls EM Trophy has been organizing an off road car race for several years, where you can enjoy both the spirit of the race itself and watch tireless quadricycle and other car racers.
This time, 5 stages of the race and a wide range of 4×4 vehicles, as well as trucks were seen in a single place.
As a special surprise, the viewers were offered the opportunity to feel the spirit of the travel in the legendary Arctic expedition vehicle BURLAK. There was an opportunity to watch, touch, sit down in the vehicle, talk with the expedition participants and watch the movie about adventures on the way to the White Bear Island in a leisurely atmosphere. More information is available here